During the conference my colleagues and students are having a gala dinner honoring my contributions to academia and industry. This is truly humbling. Still, it makes me very happy to know that the proceeds from attending the conference, the gala dinner, and any gifts to a new endowment in my name will go for the support of students and the research activities of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication. This is a Center which I founded ten years ago to promote the study, research, and the practice of marketing to US Hispanics. Please go to http://conference.latinomediamarkets.com/gala for more details on the event.
I am very pleased to leave the Center in the capable hands of Dr. Sindy Chapa as I retire from Florida State University in the near future. That does not mean I will stop supporting the Center in any way I can. Also it does not mean that I will stop writing, consulting and doing research for organizations interested in connecting with US Latinos.
Please join us either in person or virtually.